Friday, January 18, 2008


Spent some time yesterday following bees around the garden. The bumble bee buzzed off after a short while, but the honey bees hung around. Annoying little buggers to focus on though.

Bumble Bee

Honey Bee on fennel

Honey Bee on oregano

Honey Bee on fennel

They liked the yellow fennel flowers, which was handy because they were at a convenient height. I don't know which variety of fennel it is. I had bronze fennel, with long, red plumes of leaves, which is an attractive plant, if almost as weedy as the wild sort, I've also got a battered Florence fennel, the one with the swollen base, which somehow escaped the devastation that hit my potted plants in early January :( This flowering thing is tall and green. Either the seeds from one reverted back to the wild form, or it's a hybrid of the two.

The purple flowers are oregano, which is quite closer the ground and therefore is harder to get photos from.

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